Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Product managers play many roles, but one often overlooked is “Chief Storyteller”. Members in an organization rely on PMs to tell stories about their goals, their accomplishments, their struggles, and ultimately their value. This gives the PM a tremendous amount of power, power that can be used both to the benefit and detriment of the organization overall.

Used wisely, this storytelling pulls teams together towards a compelling shared vision. Used poorly, it quickly erodes the critical trust between a PM, their team, and the org at large. During this talk we will reflect on the stories — and the lies — that we tell ourselves, our teams, and the people we report to. We will talk about goals, value props, estimates, iterative development, and we’ll even touch on some math and statistics. Come to be challenged and equipped to make the most of your storytelling potential.

Presented At

About Me

Chris Powers

Chris Powers has been leading software engineering organizations for the last 17 years, and he loves speaking about his experiences and learnings with audiences nationwide. As a Clean Coders author, Chris produced the "Clean Code in the Browser" video series applying the SOLID principles to browser-based applications. Chris lives in the northern Chicago suburbs with his wife and two children, and in his free time enjoys drumming, woodworking, and tabletop gaming.

Contact Info


Twitter: @chrisjpowers